Thank you to Rehve for her generous donation. Lucian is her rp character, I've just written him here.
This story contains elements of supernatural control and manipulation, and so touches up against the gray area between consensual and not (though both parties would have consented even without that manipulation there). There is also fight-fucking going on. I hope that covers all possible triggers.
It’s not a difficult thing to summon a demon. I’ve read all manner of
ritual and mumbo jumbo that would suggest otherwise. Some books require
blood sacrifices under certain phases of the moon. Once a man in a tiny
shop in Nawlins told me I had to slaughter my prized rooster with a bone
knife over dishes of ground corn that had been laid out in offering
three days prior. The store stank more of marijuana than the pungent
incense that smoldered in every corner. I remarked that I had no
rooster, and the man in the tiny shop told me it was for the best.
I never tried the blood sacrifice approach. It’s not that I’m
squeamish, it’s just that I wouldn’t be able to explain the mess if I
were caught. I prefer to be careful. I prefer to be tidy. I’m reasonably
certain that this is a matter of causation, not correlation.
I did try other things. I trekked into the mountains of Southern
California on the night of the new moon. I made a circle of dried
manzanita branches, and I placed offerings of nettle and foxglove
within. I burned acacia and sage at the designated points outside of the
circle, and I stood between the smoking bowls while chanting the
requisite lines. The reward for my trouble was little more than a tick
near the outside of my elbow and socks full of burrs.
I tried pentagrams in circles, chants that satanists assured me
would work, and discovered just as little. An internet forum suggested
reversing the “banishment of troubled spirits” ritual as performed in
Northwestern China, but that was just as worthless an effort. Some
resources cite chalk, others charcoal, and a few even require trails of
various minerals or pigments be laid just so.
In reality, anything that will make a mark will work. I suspect that
some materials help to supplement a weakness on the part of the
summoner. For instance, if one were particularly weak-willed, one would
need blood, offerings, and the discipline of elaborate symbols to hone
one’s desire.
Wanting itself is not enough. Blood itself is not enough. There is no
incantation required, though the summoning enclosure must be precisely
drawn. I would illustrate it here, but there are already enough demons
loose in this world. I’ve gone so far as to burn the battered book that
provided me the answer, and perhaps I will share its secrets with
someone one day. It is, however, far more likely that those secrets will
die with me.
In any case, my preferred tool is chalk. The same slender,
yellow-white stems of chalk that are sold inexpensively to professors in
supply stores. It is easy to sweep away, and stows well within the
pocket. Unassuming chalk is a convenient weapon, without appearing to be
a weapon at all.
The first demon I summoned was small. It was scarcely a demon at all in
appearance so much as it was a lump of clay with the texture of curdled
milk and a single, pale pink eye that rolled about within a bulging,
inflamed socket. It tested the bounds of its enclosure by rolling over
itself, and spoke no words when addressed. The smell of the thing was so
pungent that it set my eyes to watering, my nose to running, and my
stomach to churning within seconds. I could not banish the accursed
creature fast enough.
Still, puerile though it was, I was filled with a sense of
exultation. No matter what that thing had been, I had summoned it. It
had come to my call. It had been detained by my will. For those split
seconds that it had existed in this world, it had been a supernatural
extension of myself.
The smell lingered in the kitchen, and I found myself compelled to
move in the days that followed. I lost my cleaning deposit, which was
irksome, but not enough to stay my ventures. The pock-faced slob who
rented the apartment had threatened to report me for being a terrorist,
saying that the smell had to come from building explosives. In a moment
of profound humanity, I told him where he could stick his thousand
Lesson learned, I moved to a small house with a basement. It was
further than I cared to commute, but still near enough as not to be
unbearable. The basement was worth every extra minute in traffic. The
tiny windows set just above ground level were easy enough to paper.
There was a drain set in the floor in case the washer should flood.
Furthermore, the floor itself was cement slab, which is most ideal for
In time, and under the guidance of my tattered old book, I grew more
and more bold with my experiments. I was soon summoning larger, and
more diverse creatures. Though sometimes they were closer in appearance
to plants, the demons were often things that resembled animals without
being anything like an animal at all. Only once in those early days did I
summon anything remote humanoid. It was hideous, and foul, and
listening to the noises that rolled past its blackened tongue, jagged
teeth, and slathering lips caused my ears to ring. I sent it away as
fast as I could manage, but my head ached so badly that I was forced to
take the following three days off work.
I resolved, after that, to limit my summons to smaller and less
consequential creatures. This required more information, but my trusted
guidebook was less than forthcoming as to its origins, and was limited
in its scope. Other sources had proven ineffective and less than
knowledgeable. Still, I was determined to learn what I could, and so set
about reading ruminations on religious mythos as pertain to so-called
“Western” civilizations. This is not to say that other histories would
have been any less valid, but I opted to commence my research in a more
familiar tradition.
In doing this, I came across a dissertation on the modern-day
incubus as written in the year 1893. “The incubus,” it read, “is a
misshapen creature no larger than a small dog. It prays upon the souls
of young women by creeping into their rooms at night and haunting their
dreams with all manner of sexual depravity. It may or may not actually
copulate with its slumbering victim.”
I could not help but wonder if this was a story contrived by an
oppressive masculine society to preserve the “sanctity and purity” of
its ideologically chaste women by explaining away the female equivalent
of “nocturnal emissions.” Still, as it was a woman I meant first and
foremost to send from this world and into the next, I felt that it was
worthy of an attempt. The incubus was a lesser demon, but reportedly
possessed moderate intelligence. It was also of a size I might easily
subdue, a fact which weighed greatly in its favor so far as I was
concerned. If I was successful, I presumed I might train it as one would
a dog.
I set about summoning my incubus with my customary determination to
succeed. My chalk left clean lines on the cement, and my curves were all
perfectly delineated. My intent was clear, my guidance precise.
Summoning had become as rote to me as writing the alphabet.
It came to pass that I was successful, but not in the way that I had
hoped. Nor was M. Sigund particularly accurate in his portrayal of the
incubus demon (even at that period of human history, I have since been
informed). The reality was a far, far cry from Fuseli’s vision to say
the least.
What arrived within the confines of the circle was far larger than the
anticipated small dog size, though it was dog-like. It looked to be some
awful cross between dog and pony. Monstrous in size, with wicked claws,
sharp, gleaming teeth, and a whip of a tail. I am aware that it had
eyes, though in the horrific instant for which the thing was there, I
did not, and indeed could not, bring myself to meet them. A fact for
which I remain grateful to this very day. Even the memory causes my
mouth to run dry.
That thing, that horrific nightmare of a creature, vanished from my
circle and was supplanted with another figure so quickly, and so
smoothly, that I was made to question if it had even occurred at all.
Just as one might question the flickering of a candle in an otherwise
still room. But it had been there, and my subsequent reeling only grew
more pronounced as I stared not at some grotesque monstrosity, but
instead at a man.
Imagine my surprise at this, if you can. Years of research, trials,
and successes. Dozens of demons had been called forth and subsequently
banished by my hand, and never had one manifested itself as a person.
And, while there was something Otherly about him, I might well have
passed him on the street as I would have any other man formed of mortal
flesh. He was inconspicuous in all of the ways that mattered.
The demon man was, I noted, a decidedly handsome creature. He was
youthful in appearance, no more than his mid twenties, and dressed in
the same convention as the students in my classes. His hair was black,
his skin a peachy pink, and his eyes a rich, woodsy brown— but then they
were red. Dark, bloody red. How had I not noticed it before? How had I
thought him so mundane?
His manner of speech, however, left much to be desired. Not that I
sound nearly so eloquent as I would care to when I am speaking, but I
doubt that his inner monologue was much more sophisticated than a See
Spot Run book.
“Well,” the man — no, thing — said with a bored shift of its regard upon my person. “What the fuck do we have here?”
was not hostile in demeanor, nor did he seem angered at having been
called forth. Instead he appeared to be singularly unimpressed. It took
me a moment to gather my composure enough to speak.
“I have summoned you forth to do my bidding, incubus, demon,” I declared with neither quaver nor flinch.
“Yeah?” The demon questioned. “Guess that makes you a goddamn idiot then. What’s your name?”
is a testament to my good upbringing, though not to my common sense,
that I replied. “Badar Nnamani.” I gave pause, determined to remain in
control of the situation, and then presented my own question in turn.
“What is your name?”
The man gave a thoughtful hum. He turned within the boundaries of my
chalk circle, the toes of his Converse shoes just shy of brushing the
boundary, and slipped his hands casually into his pockets.
“You can call me Lucian.”
I was again surprised. But then, it likely had a name I could neither understand, nor pronounce.
well, Lucian.” I saw no reason to be impolite just because I was
dealing with hellspawn. “I have called you here so you might drive one
Isabelle Santini to an early grave. Preferably while she sleeps. It is
necessary that there appears to be nothing unnatural about her demise.”
“Why? She cut you off or somethin’?” Lucian asked the wall, not even
bothering to face me as he spoke. “Wait, no. She stole your fucking
grey pupon, yeah?”
“Something like that,” I replied.
knew that it was in my best interests to show little emotion to this
creature, to give way few thoughts and no secrets. Still, it was more
difficult to school my expression than I’d anticipated. I could taste
victory already.
“All right, then,” Lucian replied, punctuating his bored agreement with a smirk.
“Well get to it,” I commanded as I forced the demon away.
then, was it. I had done it. I had summoned a proper demon. One
powerful enough to be of use, but not so powerful that I couldn’t
control it. Whether or not it would do as I asked remained to be seen.
That fact paled beside how accomplished I felt at the moment.
A week later, that sense of accomplishment had faded. The woman was
not dead. But then the chancellor pulled me aside to inform me that the
department dean had passed in her sleep the night before, that her
housekeeper had phoned the offices early that morning.
My heart swelled, my pulse quickened, and I had to fight not to
smile at the man, not to sing to the heavens. Ding, dong, the bitch was
dead. And I had done it! Unassuming me, armed with little more than a
piece of yellow chalk.
I feigned astonishment. I forced myself to be somber, even
distraught where others might see me. What a tragedy, I agreed when
appropriate. And she was so young, I sympathized over hours-old coffee
in the teachers’ lounge.
I decided to celebrate in private. I picked up a fine steak from the
butcher that I passed during my too-long commute. A fine bottle of red
was procured from the boutique alcohol shop neighboring the butcher’s,
and a beautiful bunch of fine green asparagus from the stand out front.
I aired the wine, blanched the asparagus, and cooked the steak to a
perfect medium rare. I had just set myself down and made the first cut
when the chime of the doorbell interrupted the sweet strains of Vissi
d’arte. My mood was entirely too good to be displeased at the
interruption. Warm from the wine I’d sipped while preparing dinner, I
crossed the room to haul open the door. By this point, my cheeks were
aching from smiling, but that smile grew stiff when I came face to face
with the gleam of a worn detective’s badge in a cheap leather case.
The good officers in their ill-fitting polyester suits did not want
to take up too much of my time. They did so anyway. Their questions were
mundane and fruitless. Of course I’d known Ms. Santini. We’d worked
together for years. No, I didn’t know why she’d had my card on the stand
by her bed. No, I had received no calls from here the night before. No,
I had not had relations with the woman in question for well over a
year. Yes, I was at home by myself during the period in question, as I
most often am.
And then they were gone. My food was cold, and my soaring elation
had been replaced by the steadily increasing weight of dread. I ate half
of my steak, none of my vegetables, and then packed the leftovers away
into the fridge. I made a meal of my wine instead, as it was already
opened, and sat in the living room to listen to the rest of my opera in
The music had just died away when the doorbell chimed again. It was
unreasonably late for visitors, and I had only managed to drink two
glasses of wine. The visit from the police had left my nerves on edge
despite my confidence, and the wine was not truly helping to ease them.
To say that I was surprised when I opened the door for my second
unexpected arrival of the evening would be an understatement. I had
expected it to be the police again, there to harass me more for some
fictitious crime. Or perhaps they had received the innocuous coroner’s
report and come to apologize to me in person. It was not the detectives
with their bored faces and rote questions. Instead it was Lucian. The
very same demon I had summoned into my basement.
My heart lept into my throat, crashed down again as his hand found
the panel of my door, and I turned through the slowing of time. I fled.
Without shame. Without hesitation. I ran fast as I could through the
interior of my home, which had turned foreign to me in those instants,
as though it were a stranger’s house and not mine at all.
He was after me. I could hear his steps behind mine. His stride was
long and powerful, but I had moved before he had. I had moved with
determination. The handle of my steak knife was cool in my hand, and I
turned to swing it in a wide arch as he closed. The serrated blade
caught his sleeve, tearing through the tissue-thin fabric, and bit deep
into his arm. It left a lurid red streak that was swiftly trickling into
the gray of his sleeve.
The demon, Lucian, smiled. His eyes gleamed briefly like a cat’s. “That the best you can do?”
I went at him again. This time I could see him. This time I could lash
out with purpose. I aimed the blade for his throat, but he raised his
arm faster than I could track. The blade tore his sleeve and sank past
his skin, past his fat. I wrenched the knife back after it struck the
resistance of muscle, and a sleek streak of blood flew away from the
Lucian’s eyes lidded, and he gave a soft, low groan. A pleasured
groan. A pleasing groan. My heart squeezed tight in my chest, then sped
again as my pulse sank. I could feel my cock swell along my pant leg,
and I found myself leaning nearer. I wanted to hear that again.
The knife caught Lucian’s side next. The sharp point sunk inward
with alarming ease. It pierced the surface, and then sawed deep past
that initial resistance. Punctured through to the tender insides. Lucian
groaned again, and I was lost.
I abandoned the knife in Lucian’s belly. The wooden handle gleamed,
and blood came seeping out around where the blade was buried. The demon
was breathing hard, but so was I. I snatched his hat away with one hand,
and caught his hair in the other fist. I twisted, and I pulled, and I
remember how satisfying it was to haul his head to the side and sink my
teeth hard into his cheek.
Please understand, I am not a violent man. Nor can I claim that I
was possessed. Perhaps I was… inspired, for lack of a better word.
Whatever the provocation, my actions felt right at the time. They felt
perfectly my own, and perfectly fitting.
Lucian was laughing. It was an amused sort of laughter, and it drove
a spike of fury through the heat that had set upon me. I grabbed the
knife and wrenched it free. A modest font of blood came flowing in its
wake. The knife clattered to the laminate floor. My fingers found the
wound, dug against it, and Lucian’s laughter stopped.
“Is that it?” The demon’s tone was incredulous, though strained. “Is
that all you’ve got, fucker? My little sister does better than that.”
taunts. But this was no boy. No man. True it was that he looked young,
and true it was that he looked human, but I knew the better of it.
His hand caught me hard against the cheek. It was no slap, no gentle
rebuke. It was a punch, full, and flowering with a throb. An ache. My
eye squinted up. My jaw panged with sympathy.
The next thing I
knew, I was roaring. We hit the floor in a tumble, a tangle of grappling
arms and tangling legs. Lucian was laughing, and then groaning, and
then laughing again. My knuckles ached. My hand was throbbing. His nose
had popped, and there was blood everywhere. On the floor. On my fingers.
On my face and shirt from where we had rolled.
A chair clattered off to the side. It was difficult to know which
way was up, which was down. But then I had him beneath me, and his cock
throbbed against mine, and he moaned again. I wanted him. I needed him. I
would have him, even if he were inexplicably walking about outside of
my circle.
I prefer chalk, but it was the knife I grabbed from the floor. The knife
I held at his throat, the tip digging just beneath the jaw. He set his
tongue against the roof of his mouth and purred at me. Purred at me!
could not pull apart my fly fast enough. His fingers were there,
helping. Hot and soft when they dipped in, past the parting of my
boxers, and gave a squeeze to my engorged cock. I bit him again, on the
jaw that time, and then once more on the cheek. The tip of the knife
brought about the slow welling of a vivid drop of blood. I was
admittedly careless in my haste, but it only seemed to incite him
He stroked my cock as he pulled it free, and then it was I who was
groaning. I ground against the heat of his palm and flung the knife
aside. I met his mouth with mine, crushed lip to lip, and speared at him
with my tongue. It was the most heated travesty of a kiss that I had
ever given anyone, but he yielded to it. His mouth parted, and the ire
of my actions eased. He was warm, and suckling, and his body was hard
against my own. The kiss broke, joined, and broke again.
But then all at once we were moving. Another chair toppled with a
loud clatter of wood. He was atop me, pulling at my trousers. The next
moment I was atop him and pulling at his. My head ached for where his
fingers had twisted through my hair earlier. My joints were louder in
their complaint. His fist caught my shoulder, and I went reeling, forced
back in an undignified sprawl that put me have onto the living room
The impact of my head left me dazed, and I watched as he stood with
his feet planted on either side of my thighs. His jeans were pulled
wide, and he’d lost one shoe. He squeezed at his cock, which was slender
in the way that he was slender, long in the way that he was long,
though clearly hard, and eager, and glistening just so at the tip. The
sight had me groaning. I kicked my trousers clear of my ankles. I wanted
to worship him. I wanted to hurt him.
“You’re a goddamn pushover is what you are, Badar,” Lucian taunted.
“How are you here?” I had to ask it. “Has someone sent you against me?” I pushed myself up with a drag of palm along the carpet.
Lucian replied, half husky growl. He was grinning. A wide, manic grin.
“Came all on my lonesome. Bet you didn’t take that into account earlier,
did you, dumbshit?”
My hands slid up his jeans, nails catching at the seams on the
outsides of his legs, and I pulled him nearer. Made him sway that I
might wrap my mouth about the perfect, glistening head of his cock. I
hummed, my tongue passing over the slit, and the both of us agreed to
accept this as an answer.
Lucian gave up the hold on his cock, and instead slid his fingers
through my hair. He tugged at it, though more gently than before, and
his warm touch grazed my ear as I sank steadily down in a warm, wet
trail along his shaft. It seemed to me that his cock was the most
perfect flesh I had ever set to the belly of my tongue, and the taste of
him was so intense, so supremely satisfying that I wanted nothing more
than to stay on my knees in worship of him for the rest of my days.
Until he laughed.
My hands swept up as I drew back. I sucked
hard, moving slowly, hiding my intent even as I peeled down the jeans
that clung to his legs like a second skin. He accommodated me, as I was
complacent at that point. His hips rolled forward as I swept down again,
swallowing, and he gave a quiet grunt of approval. His weight went one
way for the removal of shoe and pant leg, and the other for the removal
of pant leg alone. I had him by the balls, and I was petting, and he was
groaning. Groaning such a delightful sound.
I had him off guard again, and I took my opportunity. My mouth
parted on the next upstroke, and I caught the inside of one of his pale
knee to haul it forward, and then aside. He went toppling with a
dismayed cry, and landed in a heap on the rug.
I was on him in an instant, though I was tired, and sore, and I had
never worked so hard in my life as I had that evening. It seemed an
easier thing to get his hands behind his back than it should have been,
too easy to hold his wrists in the tight, bruising grip of one of my own
hands. I spat into the other, and smeared the fluid from the head of my
cock down along its length. It wouldn’t last, I knew, but I didn’t care
to go and find proper lubrication just then. And the way he struggled,
with his hips swaying one way, then the other.. It seemed more
enticement than fight. He was pink, and folded, and perfect.
The weight and feel of him in my mouth was nothing -nothing-
compared to the satisfaction of pressing my cock into his ass. The
muscle had just the right amount of resistance, just the right amount of
give. Once it had stretched wide enough to snap tight past the flare of
my cockhead, I thrust rudely, abruptly deep. I worked with more force
than I’d ever dared before. I came to a jarring stop, and the world went
briefly black. I could see nothing, only feel his ass working about me,
fell the tight encasement of pulsing flesh. My breath was fire, my
heart a drum, and he was groaning, and purring, and leaning back into
“Took you fuckin’ long enough,” the demon sighed, as though I’d just wooed him with a sonnet.
it had. I said nothing, but instead released his hand to grab him hard
at the hips, my thumbs digging into the muscles at the outside of his
ass. I bucked again, and again, uncaring of the fact that the way had
stopped being easy for my spittle. The muscle eased as I went, warmed.
The friction was nearly unpleasant, but not unbearable. I drove into him
repeatedly with grunts of effort and lewd squelches, smacks of skin and
swinging balls underscored by the sounds of his cries. His moans. His
Never before had I been inspired to fight. Never before had I been
inspired to fuck so hard. I could not have been at it for very long
given my stamina, as I was sweaty, and winded, and my hips began to
twinge, my knees as well. I became aware as I rode, and fucked, and
groaned my own praise in reply, that he had hold of himself. That he was
squeezing, and stroking, and tugging at the length of his own cock with
a vigor that I could not hope to match. But I tried. Oh, I tried.
That orgasm, that climax, was the most magnificent I had felt in my
forty-three years of life. The tension that had built through my gut,
the exhaustion that had begun to creep through my limbs, all pulled
tight, unbearably so, and then released in one warm, explosive burst
that shot up through my loins, along my spine, and radiated outward. Out
to leave me forgetting what it was to breathe, or to see. It came over
me in waves of red, and of black. For one brief, exquisite instant, I
was nothing but pleasure.
The next I was me again. Still breathing. Still rocking. I was
distantly aware of the ache of my balls, the sensitive protest that had
begun in my cock, the fact that his ass was still rippling and clenching
in a tight, straining spasm about the length of me. I was not inclined
to stop, though. Not when it felt so good to move. Not until the
pleasure came too near to pain, and the protest of my cramping ass cheek
had me slowing. Slowing. Stopping.
I pulled out slowly, chest heaving with the force of my panting.
There was blood on my carpet from his wounds. Blood and sweat on my
hands. The air was thick with the smell of sex. I had never felt more
alive. I landed heavily on the floor beside Lucian, and turned my head
to take him in.
The demon had not moved much. His weight had shifted back toward his
heels, and his head had come to rest against his forearm. I could see a
splatter of cum in the shadow cast by his belly. His hair was a mess,
his shirt a ruin. Vivid red eyes were narrowed at me above a wide, lazy
grin. Slowly, as if in a dream, he leaned near and rasped his teeth
across my cheek.
“Not bad, fucker,” he rumbled into my ear. “You know, for a human.”
And then he was gone. Gone, and the air was cooling. Gone, and my little house was a mess. Gone, and I felt exquisite.
<3 <3 <3
DeleteWow...Good read!
DeleteThis was awesome! I found it really funny too, y'know, before the fighting and fucking started when it just got hot. Demons are so fun. <3
ReplyDeleteHaha, thanks! I do like humor.
Deletethat was a very nice read again. but then again, it's always nice to read about demons. Good luck on the classes and work. The economy isn't the the friendliest at the moment. so thanks for the update!
ReplyDeleteThank you so much! It is nice that people are so understanding. :D
DeleteThis is fantastic, and I can not stop reading it as a poem. I love it and look forward for more~ <3
ReplyDeleteI'm glad you liked it!
DeleteHoly mother of hell. That was a brilliant, exciting and enjoyable read. Thank you so much!
ReplyDeleteYou're ever so welcome. :)
DeleteThis was brilliant and hot I would really enjoy seeing them again ;)
ReplyDeleteSo sorry. My comments used to be emailed to me but somehow they are not anymore. As this was a commission, it is unlikely that I will write more with this pairing.
DeleteYou have a fantabulous way with words and while I myself am a pretty damn adequate writer, am at a loss for the right words to describe how fantastically demonically dazzling and steamy like a sauna in the back of a pizza oven and this is probably not making any sense whatsoever and I can't h lp it because this is so fantasizing. *applauds with standing ovation* that is all
ReplyDeleteAhaha! ♥ Thank you!
Delete(sorry for the late reply, my comments stopped alerting me)
hot damn that was a really good read, except for the part where my younger brother read over my shoulder right during the sex.
ReplyDeleteYeeeeah-- watch out for shoulder vultures! (Glad you liked it!)